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Responding to Change, Gary Pack

Writer: Gateway Church Gateway Church

To truly live the dream…making it more than a wish, but reality. I love that part of living, because "change" is so much a part of who I am. In fact, the motto derived from our mission statement of Gateway Church International is "Changing Lives, to Change the World”.

As I see it, lasting change only comes from within and is brought about from one of two different forces. Let me explain that.

Firstly, temporary change can come from external things, but lasting change has to begin with the change of heart and mind. That's why I always say, “A man has what he wants to have, and he is who he wants to be, and does what he wants to do". Because "as a man thinks in his heart, so is he." So, lasting changes always are birthed by a desire.

Secondly, that desire can come from one of two forces...Inspiration or Desperation. They both have the same potential to reach the desired outcome. Sadly though, most of us only respond to the latter...because the motivation of pain is stronger than our motivation of purpose realized.

I am of the mindset that a combination of both seems to be a win-win. Being so desperate for things to be different, and also being inspired by those who have risen above the ashes to obtain the prize and become who they were designed to be.

Transformed people have learned the power of choice. Choice is the conduit through which all changes come. But that is a whole different topic I feel passionately about. We examine the power of choice in a later blog. For now, let's commit ourself to let the Spirit of God work change in us to be able to bring change through us.


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